Why You Should Opt For Student Housing

When it comes to choosing where to live whilst attending university in the UK, there are a lot of factors to consider. While student accommodation (PBSA) may seem like the obvious choice, there are many reasons why student housing can be a better option. Here are our reasons as to why student housing could be more suitable for you.

More Space & Independence

The interior design of a PBSA can usually be a tad bland. The developers ‘copy and paste’ a standardised layout room to room, meaning your personal space is no different from anyone else’s in the accommodation. However, with landlords like Luxome, your student home can ooze personality. Features such as customised wall-art, varying colour schemes and unique pieces of furniture bring your home to life, unlike the drab aesthetic of a PBSA.

Extra Costs

Landlords of PBSA’s and student housing often both include bills in the listed price. Issues arise when you find out that for each basket of laundry, PBSA’s can charge you a few quid. Over the course of a year-long tenancy, this cost can seriously stack up. Our student homes, on the other hand, includes a washing machine for your personal use, free of charge along with all other utilities you may require.

Peace & Quiet

If you’ve ever been to a PBSA, you’ll know there can be anywhere between 250 to 1000 students living there. The early hours in the morning are often noisy, with students bouncing from room to room looking for a place to party. Initially, this may seem fun, but it can get old quickly; especially if one of your flatmates is hosting.


Student accommodation is usually located close to the university campuses, but this can limit your options if you want to live in a specific neighborhood of the city. Student housing, on the other hand, is available in a wide range of locations, giving you flexibility when it comes to finding the right place to live. This means you can factor in local amenities, travel links and green spaces when making your decision on where to move.

In summary, student housing offers many benefits over traditional student accommodation, including more space and independence, better value for money, some peace and quiet and a greater choice of locations. If you're considering your accommodation options for university, be sure to explore the student housing market before making your decision.

For the best student homes in Manchester and Salford, look no further than Luxome. Where Your Story Begins.


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